I must admit, sometimes here in Abbotsford, springtime can be dark and dreary, and it totally affects my mood. But this spring has been amazing: sunny, bright, and warm. The flowers and trees are spectacular.

Most of us sniffle and struggle with allergies, but we deal with it anyway because we don’t want to complain about this warm, beautiful weather. Finding balance during this time is a bit challenging.
Likewise, I am struggling through my business course. Balancing family, work, and navigating the steep learning curve, especially in the area of admin, it completely taxes my old brain! Sometimes, I just want to go on a holiday to ignore all these things for a while. It's in those times that I end up finding the space to be more creative and write more. I'm not a person who lives 'balanced' on a day-to-day basis; I bite off chunks. Yet, I do believe it all balances out in the end.
I do notice that I can't breathe without my daily devotions and time with my heavenly daddy. My day-to-day consists of running from the business course, where I’m learning to set up a website and store, to a little practice, exercise, and walking the dogs. The most enjoyable times are when friends come to visit and spend a while enjoying their time with me! I love the connection!
Shortly, I will be launching this webpage on RocketFuel. I hope to share with you soon a link! For now, I could use your advice on what you think would be a great profile picture for me.

FYI, the family will be featured in the next East Abby magazine! Here is one of the photos that I love.
Thanks for your support!