I've always had music in my soul! As a little girl I was always humming or singing out loud, to the chagrin of my siblings. Yet music was Gods way of bringing me peace and protection from the storms in my life. School years were spent balancing sports, piano and vocal lessons. I've loved being part of choirs, from Joyful Noise Children's Choir to Trinity Western University Choir. Almost from the beginning, God has birthed in me original songs to help me to understand His ever present and all encompassing LOVE though all the seasons of my life.
I really enjoy pushing for God's excellence, especially when surrounded by other cast or choir members. But I'm really quite shy to be in the spotlight on my own. For this reason I had 'filed' my songs away. I was to nervous to pull them out and share.
Yet God has challenged me to baby steps. First, to accept that His good gifts should not be hidden. Second, to reveal my musical journal of songs with the help of wonderful friends. To get to this point in my journey, there has been many small steps He carefully challenges me to take. Each time I have to choose to obey or not. This web site is the accountability to that obedience.
When I experience life to be difficult or lovely, chances are other people are experiencing the same. In the hopes that you might be encouraged and experience this incredible LOVE from the Father, I've created this small corner in the world to share with you a musical journey that I'm on. I pray you feel love, encouragement and are filled with hope while 'reading' my journal.
Come along for the ride!
Side Note: My husband and I are both youngest's. Sometimes we're too goofy, other times were too serious...but through it all our faith and music are always with us. We live in Abbotsford, BC with our 3-creative children, 2-sweet dogs, and 3-happy chickens. (or was it happy children and creative chickens?)
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